

Creative Directors: Nick Carter & Kate Carter
Copywriter: Ashley Dingel
Strategist: Riane Colquhoun
Project Manager: Hanna Choi

Superframe built a sophisticated AI chatbot that delivers ease and simplicity to alleviate RevOps woes: the inability to move quickly and strategically within a chaotic system. But many people still view AI as suspect. We created a vision for the brand that emphasizes the speed and accuracy of the AI chatbot.

Website Design
Creative Principles
Brand Identity

Almost entirely monochromatic, the color palette leads with a range of blues that are recognizable for Salesforce users and bring a sense of security to an audience that might be nervous about AI. Bursts of neon green bring the blues to life, creating energy and excitement. A true pink adds contrast and warmth to round out the palette.

We developed a neon line motif to visualize the near-magic of Superframe’s AI. It symbolizes how Superframe works behind the scenes, moving through users’ data and collecting the right information to bring instant clarity to sales teams.